Our Approach

At Newport Distribution we zero in on your company's unique requirements. Our entire approach to each undertaking is a tactical strategy intended to guarantee systematic and cost-effective handling of our customers' unique requirements.

Customer-Oriented Service

The solutions we offer are specifically tailored to meet each customer's unique requirements. Our team of Facilities & Logistics specialists work very closely with our customers to gain an intimate knowledge of their products and operational specifications, conventions and expectations. We have sufficient expertise within the organization to allow us to fully comprehend the mechanics and demands of the services requested, and to recognize and analyze potential problem areas. We promote alliance with our customers to facilitate exchange of information vital to the performance of our service, and we employ feedback mechanisms to ensure that we understand and comply with our customers' business practices and ethics and that we operate within the their performance standards.

Strategic Implementation

In developing and implementing our solutions, we tap into all our resources - orchestrating manpower, transportation and logistic facilities to ensure the most efficient and effective performance of service. We establish proper management to oversee each undertaking - making sure that day-to-day allocation of resources meet our customers' service requirements, that performance of service is compliant with our customers' expectations, and that our operations are responsive to our customers' special needs. We place an appropriate customer service team to maintain liaison with our customers and with their clients - carrying out necessary service-related communications, and responding to queries regarding service updates and exceptions.

Computerization & Management Reporting

As a standard inhouse practice in all our major undertakings, we apply and rely on systems and computer technology as follows: